The new way of
Harley-Davidson Customization
The new way of Harley-Davidson Customization
"Surui Motor Garage" is a company based in Indonesia offers a new way to assist Harley Davidson’s modifiers to visualize the custom modifications using the best 3D technology with “Surui Garage” app.
The "Surui Garage" app also provide various curated accessories, parts and motorcycle equipment so you can explore your modification dream.

Our Story
Started from the experience of the founder, when modifying his Harley-Davidson, he couldn’t even imagine how the parts will look like when it’s mounted in the motorcycle, happens when the parts came it’s just not fit the look. This become the base logic and analysis in the making of SURUI GARAGE Mobile App. App is 100% made by Indonesian App Developer using the best and sophisticated 3D technology that create realistic visualizations. user should be experiencing easier visualization of the end results of modifications using curated accessories afterparts from the best brands.

Sophisticated Innovation Technology

Surui Motor Garage invented an all-in-one mobile App "Surui Garage" which provide the best experience in customizing Motorcycle using high-definition 3D Image realistic engine.
high-end 3D engine with high definition graphics.
User can explore best quality parts/accessories from well-known brandmanufacturers by subscribing the app monthly or annually.
User can make purchases of the original and best quality parts/accessories through Surui Garage App.

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"